Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module Activity week 3_International Business

Module Activity week 3_International Business

Q Please watch this video: Why shopping on Sunday is a controversial economic idea in Greece? (7:31) First, write a short summary of this video. Next, according to the video, International Monetary Fund (IMF) asserts that Greece's current tradition of closed retail on Sundays is a trade barrier, which should be changed. If you were a business man in Greece, take a position and illustrate why. Closed retail on Sundays is a trade barrier standing in the way of Greece's economic recovery. OR Closed retail on Sundays is an important cultural tradition that should be protected

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The video explained that how Americans take shopping granted during Sundays. The video demonstrated that Greece is considered to be a religious country that is quite reluctant for embracing the concept. It was observed that Greece has been following the tradition of closing down the market but now after few years, the International Monetary Fund has insisted the Government to open the Sunday shopping which will benefit the people. It was seen that the people who used to open their shops on Sundays had to pay some extra amount to the employees or else they did not agree to work on Sundays.